Friday, April 7, 2006

DAY 88 - Fri Apr 07 2006 - NO EAT DAY 43

So it looks like I have some company, finally, in the fasting blog realm. :)
George and Amanda have each started fasting blogs for you to check out.
Amanda is doing a modified fast where she eats only fruit on her no eating
days. I'm sure she'll still lose plenty of weight doing that. Fruit is so low- 

My web page is coming along nicely. It's nowhere near the point of going 
public yet though. It's still under construction. It has nothing to do with 
dieting or fasting. It's just mainly pictures and news about my family, chiefly
for the benefit of the other members of my extended family, and friends.
(But you're all welcome to visit once it's done anyway. :))

I registered the domain name yesterday. Now I've just got to make it look

Today I'm drinking my black cherry vanilla diet Coke and chewing my fruit
gum. I didn't buy more Inferno because I swore it was burning the taste buds
off the tip of my tongue! It's powerful gum but it needs to be respected or else
it will destroy you. (I'm taking a little break from it right now.)

I didn't watch Survivor yet. Ack! Maybe tonight... 

It cracks me up to hear people around me at work talking about how they're
so starving because they haven't eaten anything since breakfast. I'm thinking,
"Boo hoo. You have no idea!" Silly people. I'm so used to it now, I rarely feel
hungry on my no-eat days. Maybe once or twice a day for short periods near
mealtimes. Otherwise I don't even think about it now. 

I can actually drink coffee black with no sugar and enjoy it now. I've gotten
used to it. A few months ago I would have thought that disgusting.

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