Saturday, August 13, 2016

Knee Sleeves Saved Me

I had a knee surgery a few years ago. My knee since then had never been the same as before. I used to work out a lot at the gym, My trainning schedule was so excessive that my whole body, especialy my knees, had to work a lot.

 I was warned that my knee would get injured someday if i keep trainning like that, but i ignored the warning and kept my schedule stricted. And so what must come had came, my knee joints got injured the injuries was so bad that both my leg had to go through a surgery. After sometime i was able to walk normally again though it was still hurt when I walk around. But I was a gym maniac, so bad that the pain of not able to work out hurt me more than the pain in my knees. I couldn't keep my trainning schedule because my knees didn't allow me to work my knees too hard or it will get even worse injury, and there's even a chance that i can't even walk anymore. So i didn't want any risk. And then i found a solution: knee sleeves. I found it by chance when surfing the internet to find a way for me to work out again. i immediately order one pair and try them out.

 The advertisement didn't lie, they really a lot. My knee now hurts less when i work out and i feel no pain when i walk. I can take some simple work out, but not the hard on the knees ones. However to me right now this is enough. I had my trainning rescheduled so that my knees can take it and never to get injured again. I really feel that my money was well spent on these knee sleeves.